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14 products
AC voltage voltmeter VK3-78A
AC voltage voltmeter VK3-78A
The voltmeter is capable of working both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with interfaces such as USB, RS-232, IEEE-488 (CPC). Technical specifications Measuring ranges of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage from 3 MV to 1000 V - SCR of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 1 MHz (AC) from 10 MV to 1000 V - RF RF AC voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 2000 MHz (RF) from 10 mV to 100 V - frequency of the measured AC voltage from 10 Hz to 1 MHz Measurement errors of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage ± (0.0021 - 17)% - SCR of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz (AC) ± (0.017 - 21)% - RF RF AC voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 2000 MHz (RF) ± (0.21 - 16)% - frequency of the measured alternating electric voltage ± (0.1 -10.1)% General characteristics: Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, no more than 50 VA Overall dimensions, mm 489x91x381 Weight, not more than 8.5 kg
Produced in: Moscow
It will help relay protection and automation services, the chief power engineer of industrial enterprises and a wide range of specialists engaged in setting up, monitoring, diagnostics and operation of electrical installations to solve the following tasks: − control phase alternation − remove the voltage characteristics − measure phase shift angles and build vector diagrams of voltage and current − control the circuits in the SHPT − check the integrity of electrical conductors − carry out operational maintenance of relay protection circuits and power circuits of electrical installations − monitor the condition and diagnose DC circuits − carry out phasing when setting up differential protection and connecting current and voltage transformers, electric motors − check the correct connection of electricity meters − determine the harmonic composition of current and voltage (up to and including the 19th harmonic)
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Voltmeters B7-91, B7-91/1
Voltmeters B7-91, B7-91/1
Technical specifications: DC voltage , Measuring range, 10 MV - 1000 V Measurement error, ± 0.03% AC voltage , Measuring range, 1 mV - 750 V Measurement error, ± 0.4% Frequency range, 20 Hz- 100 kHz Direct current , Measuring range, 1 mkA - 2 A (B7-91/1) Measuring range, 1 mkA - 20 A (B7-91) Measurement error, ± 0.03%
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Scope of application · operational maintenance of relay protection circuits and power circuits of electrical installations · phasing during adjustment of differential protection, connection of current and voltage transformers, electric motors · control of the correct phasing of the connection accounting circuits · removal of the volt-ampere characteristic and measurement of angles · monitoring of single- and three-phase circuits in power supply cabinets
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Voltmeter V7-72
Voltmeter V7-72
Technical specifications: DC voltage Measuring range 2 mv-1000 V Measurement error ± (0.001 - 0.004)% AC voltage Measuring range 1 mV - 700 V Measurement error ± (0.1-8)% Frequency range 10 Hz -1 MHz
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeters V7-65, V7-65/1, V7-65/2
Voltmeters V7-65, V7-65/1, V7-65/2
Technical specifications: Measuring range 20 mv-1000 V Measurement error ± (0.03% +5 E.M.R.) AC voltage Measuring range 1 mV - 700 V Measurement error ± (0.3% +200 E.M.R. - 4% +800 E.M.R.) Frequency range 20 Hz-100 kHz Direct current Measuring range 1 mA - 2 A Measurement error ± (0.12% +10 E.M.R.) Alternating current Measuring range 10 mA - 2 A Measurement error ± (0.6% +300 E.M.R.) Frequency range 20 Hz - 5 kHz
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeter V7-77
Voltmeter V7-77
Technical specifications: DC voltage , Measuring range, 10 mv-1000V Measurement error, ± (0.05% +4 E.M.R.) AC voltage , Measuring range, 1 mV - 750 V Measurement error, ± (0.5% +4 E.M.R.) Frequency range, 20 Hz- 100 kHz Direct current , Measuring range, 0.1 µA - 10 A Measurement error, ± ( 0.25% +4 E.M.R.)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Designed to measure electrical quantities (DC voltage and strength, AC voltage and strength, DC electrical resistance) during demonstration work in physics. The device performs the function of a demonstration multimeter. Technical specifications: Measurement of DC voltage from 0 to 100 V measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC voltage from 0 to 60 V measurement error, not more than 1.0% measurement of DC power from 0.01 to 200 measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC power from 0.01 to 200 mA measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of DC resistance from 1 ohm to 2 mOhm measurement error, no more than 1.0% power supply from the USB port of the computer power consumption, no more than 0.6 V × A weight, no more than 0.3 kg overall dimensions 172x25x77 mm
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Universal voltmeter V7-79
Universal voltmeter V7-79
The voltmeter is capable of operating both independently and as part of automated measuring systems with RS-232 interfaces. Technical specifications Measuring ranges of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage from 10 MV to 1000 V - SCR of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz (AC) from 1 mV to 750 V - RF RF AC voltage in the frequency range from 10 kHz to 1500 MHz (RF) from 10 mV to 1000 V - DC electric current from 0.1 µA to 20 A - SCZ of alternating electric current in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 5 kHz from 10 µA to 20 A - electrical resistance from 10 mOhm to 1 GOm - frequency of the measured AC voltage from 10 Hz to 1 MHz Measurement errors of electrical quantities: - constant electrical voltage ± (0.0028 - 20)% - SCR of alternating electric voltage in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 10 MHz (AC) ± (0.09 - 15)% - RF RF AC voltage in the frequency range from 10 kHz to 1500 MHz (RF) ± (1.6 - 66)% - DC current ± (0.012 - 20)% - SCR of alternating electric current in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 5 kHz ± (0.11 - 2.35)% - electrical resistance ± (0.007 - 5.5) % - frequency of the measured alternating electric voltage ± (0.1 -10.1) % General characteristics: Operating temperature range from 5 to 40 °C AC power supply 220 V, 50 Hz Power consumption, no more than 20 VA Overall dimensions, mm 291x110x308 Weight, not more than 4.5 kg
Produced in: Moscow