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4 products
Electronic milk viscometer "Expert Somatos - 01"
Electronic milk viscometer "Expert Somatos - 01"
from 69 000 ₽
1 supp.
Electronic milk viscometer (analyzer of the number of somatic cells in milk) Expert Somatos is a novelty of 2020! Modern, designed taking into account all the wishes of our customers over the past 12 years! The most accurate and most reliable! It fully complies with GOST 23453-2014 (Raw milk. Methods for the determination of somatic cells. Section 6: Method for determining the number of somatic cells using a viscometer) as amended on 01.01.2016, including the length and diameter of the capillary! The analyzer is included in the state register of the Russian Federation as a measuring instrument! Exclusive benefits: • version with one or two flasks, which allows up to 60 measurements per hour • optionally equipped with an integrated or external printer • thanks to the new verification method developed from scratch, it can be trusted in any standardization and metrology center As a rule, it is used: • Dairy farms — for the timely prevention and treatment of mastitis in cows, which ensures stable supplies of high-grade milk (accordingly increases the cost of products). • Veterinary laboratories, SBBS, points for receiving farm milk from the population to determine the grade and calculate the cost of raw milk. • In the laboratories of milk processing enterprises to control incoming raw milk.
Produced in: Novosibirsk region
Electronic milk viscometer "Expert Somatos - 02"
Electronic milk viscometer "Expert Somatos - 02"
from 69 000 ₽
1 supp.
Exclusive benefits: • version with one or two flasks, which allows up to 60 measurements per hour • optionally equipped with an integrated or external printer • * thanks to the new verification method developed from a blank sheet, it can be checked at any standardization and metrology center As a rule, it is used: • Dairy farms — for the timely prevention and treatment of mastitis in cows, which ensures stable supplies of high-grade milk (accordingly increases the cost of products). • Veterinary laboratories, SBBS, points for receiving farm milk from the population to determine the grade and calculate the cost of raw milk. • In the laboratories of milk processing enterprises to control incoming raw milk.
Produced in: Novosibirsk region
VBR-2 Viscometer
VBR-2 Viscometer
Indicators of the device: — the constant of the viscometer at a temperature of 20 + 5 0C, sec — ( 15 ). — absolute error of the viscometer constant, sec — ( +0.5 ). — measuring range, sec — (from 1 to 100 ). — diameter of the opening of the viscometer tube, mm — ( 5 +0.012 ). — length of the viscometer tube, mm — ( 100 -0.46 ). — capacity of the viscometer, ml — ( 700 +40 ). — measuring cup capacity, ml — ( 500 +5 ). In addition to the device Viscometer VBR-2, you can order a tripod.
Produced in: Krasnodar
Viscometer ZM-1001M-01
Viscometer ZM-1001M-01
The viscometer works under the control of a PC (Laptop). In the dialog mode, the operator sets the parameters necessary for testing liquids. The test results are displayed on a PC display, stored in a database and can be printed on a printer. Technical specifications The range of viscosity determination is from 0 to 1000 MPa ×s. The limits of the permissible relative error in determining the viscosity under normal conditions are 1%. The rotational speed of the measuring nozzle is from 0.1 to 900 rpm. The range of temperature control and determination of the temperature of the tested solutions under normal conditions is from 10 to 50 ° C. The limit of permissible absolute error of temperature control and temperature determination ± 2 °C. Normal operating conditions under which metrological and reliability parameters are normalized: type of current – alternating single-phase; supply voltage – (220 ± 22) V; ambient temperature – from +15 to +25 ° C; AC frequency – (50± 1) Hz; power consumption – no more than 240 VA. Operating conditions under which the additional error in determining the viscosity increases by ½ of the main one: ambient temperature – from +10 to +35 ° C; The electrical insulation resistance between the electrical circuits and the housing at ambient temperature (20 ± 5) ° C and relative humidity (80 ± 3)% is not less than 20 mOhm. The electrical insulation between the electrical circuits and the housing under the conditions of clause 2.8 must withstand an alternating current voltage of 1.5 kV of a sinusoidal shape with a frequency of 50 Hz. Overall dimensions of the viscometer, no more than 160x300x340mm. The average service life is at least 10 years. The mass of the viscometer is no more than 12 kg.
Produced in: Krasnodar