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60 products
MNPVO prefix with a zinc selenide element and an integrated visualization system on an external monitor
MNPVO prefix with a zinc selenide element and an integrated visualization system on an external monitor
The main difference between this set-top box and the universal set-top box of the NPVO and ZDO is that a prism is used as a working element of the MNPVO, which allows to obtain several reflections from the area of contact with the sample under study, which leads to an improvement in the quality of the spectrum and an increase in the sensitivity of the method (absorption bands become more pronounced). The registration of specular and diffuse reflection spectra (ZDO) is not provided on this set-top box. The MNPVO prefix is effective in registering the absorption spectra of samples whose dimensions (number) are sufficient to ensure contact with the entire area of the working face of the prism: * liquids of any degree of viscosity (solutions, suspensions, oils, etc.); * solid elastic samples (polymer fragments of sufficiently large size, rubbers, plastics, etc.); * powdered samples in quantities sufficient to be applied to the entire surface and samples in the form of thin tapes; The universal clamp is equipped with a precision lever mechanism for quickly lowering the tip and a micrometer screw that allows you to pre–set the optimal degree of pressure - this ensures quick sample change and repeatability of the results during measurements. For convenience when working with liquid and paste-like samples, it is possible to rotate the clamping console by 180o. Note: the MNPVO prefix does not exclude the possibility of registering the spectra of samples whose dimensions are smaller than the area of the working face of the prism (the presence of a visual inspection system of the surface under study increases convenience when working with small-sized objects), but the overall effectiveness of the method is significantly lower than when using the universal NPVO and ZDO prefix. Transmission in the operating range of the spectrum, % of the input signal of at least 25 · The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 25 · Spectrum registration time at 25 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), 30 seconds · The depth of penetration of radiation into the sample, microns 5 – 15 · Minimum area of a solid sample, mm2 1 · Minimum volume of the test liquid, ml 0.3 · The permissible pH range of the analyzed objects is from 5 to 9 · Crystal substrate material ZnSe CVD, Ge · Diameter of the focus spot, mm 3 · Number of reflections 3 · The size of the working face of the prism, mm 21 X 6 · Magnification of the 4X micro lens · Total magnification of the visual channel 75X · Field of view of the optical system, mm 2 X 2.5 · Digital video camera resolution 640 X 480 · Overall dimensions, mm 145×125×240 · Weight, kg 2
Produced in: Novosibirsk
System for remote monitoring of the atmosphere
System for remote monitoring of the atmosphere
• Consists of a mirror telescope coupled with a Fourier spectrometer and a searchlight with an IR emitter • Used to register the spectra of gas and aerosol-gas mixtures on routes up to 100 meters long • The diameter of the main mirror of the telescope is 170 mm • Angular field of view +/- 3 degrees. • An additional reflector can be included in the kit
Produced in: Novosibirsk
 Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Globula" includes a spectrometer "Grand", a spectroanalytic generator "Ball Lightning" and a tripod "Globula". It allows the analysis of various substances and materials in arc and spark discharges in air, for example according to GOST 17818.15-90 "Graphite. Spectral analysis method", GOST 9717.1-82 "Copper. A method of spectral analysis based on metallic standard samples with photoelectric spectrum registration" and other MVIS.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Universal holder of solid samples of various thicknesses and films
Universal holder of solid samples of various thicknesses and films
It is used for recording transmission spectra of medium–sized and arbitrary-shaped solid samples - polymer films of various thicknesses, optical parts, semiconductor wafers, large crystals, etc. • Thanks to quick-release nuts, it provides convenient fastening of samples
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Small-sized multichannel spectrometer - "Hummingbird-2"
Small-sized multichannel spectrometer - "Hummingbird-2"
The spectrometer was created according to the Cherni-Turner scheme based on a flat diffraction grating and an MAES analyzer with one line of photodetectors. It has increased photometric accuracy due to cooling and temperature stabilization of the photodetector range, as well as due to its shell-less design, in which there is no re-reflection of radiation on the cover glass and the background level in the recorded spectrum decreases. The optical scheme and design of the spectrometer are optimized to obtain a high-quality spectrum with a low level of background radiation in any of the regions lying in the spectral range of 190-1100 nm. The choice of the working area is carried out by changing and rotating the diffraction gratings. The sealed case of the spectrometer is filled with an inert gas. The radiation is injected into the spectrometer using a quartz capacitor or a fiber-optic cable with an SMA-905 connector. The optical scheme and design of the spectrometer are protected by patents.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Grand Expert Vacuum Spectrometer
Grand Expert Vacuum Spectrometer
Vacuum spectrometers are designed for rapid analysis of alloys based on iron, copper, aluminum and other metals in factory and research laboratories, including the determination of elements having analytical lines in the field of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) (for example, S, P and C in steels).
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Table for working with powder samples
Table for working with powder samples
A table with a stone countertop and a stainless steel sheet located in the center with a perforation through which exhaust ventilation creates a constant flow of air carrying away sample particles
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Electric arc installation for the analysis of powder samples by the method of spillage injection "Stream"
Electric arc installation for the analysis of powder samples by the method of spillage injection "Stream"
The installation is designed to excite atomic emission spectra of powder samples in an electric arc by the spillage-injection method. It provides high performance of routine analyses, has a low consumption of graphite electrodes and is used in conjunction with any spectral devices – "Grand", STE-1, DFS-458, MFS-8, PGS-2, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Focusing prefix MKF
Focusing prefix MKF
It is used in the study of samples compressed into small-diameter tablets with KBr (the method is convenient for spectral analysis of powdery substances - the prefix allows you to work with small amounts of the sample using a manual press for the manufacture of tablets). • The diameter of the focus spot is less than 3 mm • Parabolic mirror optics are used in the design • Windows-substrates can be placed in the prefix after pasty, liquid substances or extracts are applied to them, followed by drying of the layers • Limited use – in the study of whole samples with dimensions less than 5 mm (preferably using a vertical-type microfocusing attachment)
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for PCR and molecular biology
Enzymes for PCR and molecular biology
from 680 ₽
Fields of application:  High-performance PCR  Conventional PCR with high reproducibility  Development of PCR products for TA cloning  The second stage of RT-PCR
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Universal optical set-top box with zinc selenide element and integrated visualization system on an external monitor
Universal optical set-top box with zinc selenide element and integrated visualization system on an external monitor
It is intended for express analysis of various types of solid and liquid samples, including polymer particles, films and fibers, powdery substances, fragments of paint coatings, fuels and lubricants. The presence of an optical system for visual inspection of the surface under study with an increase of 75X ensures high efficiency when working with small samples – fragments of thin fibers, microparticles, etc. The universal clamp is equipped with a precision lever mechanism for quickly lowering the tip and a micrometer screw that allows you to pre–set the optimal degree of pressure - this ensures quick sample change and repeatability of the results during measurements. For convenience when working with liquid and paste-like samples, as well as in the ZDO mode, it is possible to rotate the clamping console by 180o. The console is equipped with two replaceable tips – with a spherical working part and with a flat hinged head. A replacement table is used to register the specular and diffuse reflection spectra. The sample is located on the subject plane of the investigated surface downwards, the angle of incidence of the central beam on the sample is 45 °. The method is used to determine the spectral characteristics of optical parts, crystals, thin films on the surface, as well as to register the absorption spectra of large solid objects. Transmission in the operating range of the spectrum, % of the input signal at least 30 The recommended number of scans when registering spectra is 25 Spectrum registration time at 25 scans (resolution 4 cm-1), sec 30 The depth of penetration of radiation into the sample, microns 5 – 15 Minimum area of a solid sample, mm 0.2 × 0.2 Minimum volume of the liquid under study, ml 1 Minimum dimensions of the fiber sample: cross-section diameter/length, mm 0.1/1 Substrate crystal material ZnSe CVD, Ge Focusing spot diameter, mm 1 The angle of incidence of radiation (central beam) on the sample in the ZDO mode 45o Magnification of the micro lens / total magnification of the visual channel 4X /75X Field of view of the optical system, mm 2 X 2.5 Digital video camera resolution 640 X 480 Overall dimensions, mm 150×150×260 Weight, kg 2.15 • Allows you to study objects of small size (from 200 microns - depending on the geometry, surface quality and physico-chemical properties of the material) • The attachment allows you to work without sample preparation, has a fixed adjustment of the pressure on the sample using a clamp equipped with color indicators • Thanks to the removable flange with the NPVO element, a quick and convenient sample change and cleaning of the crystal surface is provided • At a given optimal contact force, the method provides high quality and repeatability of results due to the absence of influence of the thickness of the substance layer on the shape of the spectrum and the intensity of the absorption bands • The sample retains its original physical and chemical properties and, if necessary, can be further investigated by other methods
Produced in: Novosibirsk