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60 products
Chromatograph Milichrome A-02
Chromatograph Milichrome A-02
Overall dimensions: 550x230x350 mm Weight (without computer): ~17 kg Power consumption: up to 200 watts Warranty service : 1 year   Detector Two-beam spectrophotometer Spectral range – 190-360 nm Simultaneous detection at 1-8 wavelengths Cell volume – 1.2 µl Noise <0.0001 E.O.P. at 250 nm Drift <0.00005 E.O.P./hour at 250 nm Column Ø2x75 mm stainless steel The efficiency of the column is up to 6000 theoretical plates Thermostat Solid-state electric Set temperature from 35 to 90°C The discreteness of the temperature setting is 1 °C Temperature control error ±0.3°C      Pump Two-pronged, gradient The feed rate is from 5 to 1000 µl/min, the maximum pressure is 70 atm . The gradient is formed from 1 to 20 linear sections Automatic doser Automatic, programmable Number of test tubes – 46 The number of analyses in the series is from 1 to 200 The dosed volume is from 1 to 99 µl Test tubes made of glass with a volume of 200 µl Polyethylene tube stoppers Software OS: Windows® XP/7/10 Milichrome A-02™, Multichrome™, Alphachrome, Alphaspectrum
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Liquid collapsible cuvettes
Liquid collapsible cuvettes
They are used for the study of liquids, including solutions with low concentrations • Have a collapsible design that allows you to use the supplied gaskets of different thicknesses • Window material – ZnSe (it is possible to order windows from SiO2 and KBr) • Gasket material – Teflon (fluoroplast) • Thickness of gaskets – 0.022 mm, 0.1 mm, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for amplification
Enzymes for amplification
from 2 940 ₽
Field of application:  High-performance PCR  Conventional PCR with high reproducibility  Development of PCR products for TA cloning  The second stage of RT-PCR
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Hydraulic press GP 200-13
Hydraulic press GP 200-13
Designed for the preparation of samples in the form of compressed tablets with a diameter of up to 13 mm, consisting of the test substance in a mixture with microcrystalline potassium bromide (KBr). - the principle of operation of the press is based on the injection of pressure in the hydraulic system by swinging the lever. - to control the working pressure, the press is equipped with a pressure gauge - complete with a press, molds with a diameter of 13 mm and 3.5 mm can be used - for the study of finished samples on a Fourier spectrometer, a KBr tablet holder and D13mm substrate windows or a microfocusing attachment (for 3.5 mm tablets) is used
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Manual mechanical press
Manual mechanical press
Designed for the preparation of samples in the form of compressed tablets with a diameter of 3.5 mm, consisting of the test substance in a mixture with microcrystalline potassium bromide (KBr). - the principle of operation of the device is based on creating the pressure necessary for pressing due to a mechanical lever system - the press is made of high-quality alloy hardened steel - for the manufacture of a tablet with a diameter of 3.5 mm, a minimum amount of the test substance and KBr is required - for the study of finished samples on a Fourier spectrometer, a vertical or horizontal microfocusing prefix is used
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Enzymes for genomic editing
Enzymes for genomic editing
from 8 510 ₽
Field of application: genomic editing, CRISPR/Cas9 technology.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Isothermal amplification
Isothermal amplification
from 750 ₽
Field of application: - Real-time loop isothermal amplification with Using SYBR Green I intercalating dye - loop isothermal amplification with endpoint detection.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Universal set-top box of NPVO and ZDO with a diamond element and a built-in mini-monitor
Universal set-top box of NPVO and ZDO with a diamond element and a built-in mini-monitor
It is designed for measurement by the method of disturbed total internal reflection with simultaneous visualization of a micro-object on an integrated and external monitor, as well as by the method of mirror-diffuse reflection with an angle of incidence of 45o at the upper location of the sample. The prefix in the mode of a single NIP is used to register absorption spectra: liquids of any degree of viscosity (solutions, suspensions, oils, etc.), including those with high chemical activity; solid objects of arbitrary shape, including samples with very high hardness (any polymers, fragments of paint coatings, etc.); powdery substances, including powders with very high hardness (drugs, pharmaceuticals, explosives, inorganic compounds); samples in the form of thin tapes; samples in the form of fibers. The maximum hardness and chemical resistance of the diamond significantly expand the possibilities of the method; there is no need for periodic replacement of the crystal. The set-top box allows you to register spectra without time–consuming sample preparation, and the presence of a visual inspection system of the studied surface with a high-quality video camera and a built-in high-definition mini-monitor increases efficiency when working with small samples - fragments of thin fibers, microparticles, etc. The built-in monitor has the functions of digital 10X zoom, inverting, etc. The image can be simultaneously displayed on the computer screen (using a USB interface) and then saved as a file. The removable flange provides a quick and convenient sample change and cleaning of the crystal surface. The design with a diamond element protruding above the base plane of the NPVO allows you to study samples with sufficiently large overall dimensions. The high quality and repeatability of the results is achieved due to the absence of the influence of the thickness of the substance layer on the shape of the spectrum and the intensity of the absorption bands. The sample retains its original physicochemical properties and, if necessary, can be further investigated by other methods. The universal attachment clamp is equipped with a precision lever mechanism for quickly lowering the tip and a micrometer screw that allows you to pre–set the optimal degree of pressure - this ensures quick sample change and repeatability of the results during measurements. For convenience when working with liquid and paste-like samples, as well as in the ZDO mode, it is possible to rotate the clamping console by 180o. The console is equipped with two replaceable tips – with a spherical working part and with a flat hinged head. The high hardness of the diamond allows the use of large clamping forces, which is the determining factor for obtaining high-quality spectra. A replacement table is used to register the specular and diffuse reflection spectra. The sample is located on the subject plane of the investigated surface downwards. The method is used to determine the spectral characteristics of optical parts, thin tapes on the surface, crystals, and other large solid objects of arbitrary shape and size.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
IR microscope "MIKRAN-3"
IR microscope "MIKRAN-3"
A higher–level device with extreme sensitivity and an additional set of functions that allow you to expand the possibilities for conducting spectral studies: · revolver mechanism with 4 interchangeable lenses - mirror IR 15X, NPVO, lens 4X, lens 10X; · registration of spectra in the modes of specular and diffuse reflection, transmission and NIP; · increased sensitivity, which allows recording the spectra of micro-objects with sizes from 5 microns; · built-in control panel with advanced functions; · automated mapping system; · the rectangular slit diaphragm is made of special glass – after the fragment is selected, the rest of the field of view is also available to the user, which greatly simplifies photometry of extended surfaces with local inhomogeneities; · specialized software for controlling the microscope and processing the results. Liquid nitrogen is required to work with an IR microscope.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Mini press for producing thin layers of substance on steel mirror plates
Mini press for producing thin layers of substance on steel mirror plates
It is intended for sample preparation when examining samples using an IR microscope and mirror reflection prefixes. Allows you to shape a thin layer (up to several microns) to various objects: polymer fragments, microparticles of LCP, powdery substances, fibers, etc. The resulting thin layers on mirror plates made of alloy steel are investigated by the double transmission method – when the radiation that has passed through the layer of matter is reflected from the surface of the plate and passes through the substance again. The spectra recorded by this method are completely identical to the transmission spectra obtained, for example, after pressing substances with KBr. The advantages in this case are: - speed of sample preparation - there is no need to use hydraulic and manual presses and molds, grinding mortars, etc. - no need to use high-purity KBr or petroleum jelly oil - the sample is not lost and, if necessary, can be examined by other methods - when using an IR microscope, it is possible to “scan” the resulting thin layer to select the most informative area, and also, if the layer is heterogeneous in composition, to obtain the spectral characteristics of its components.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
The video camera and servos of the electrode holders built into the tripod are designed to automatically maintain the interelectrode gap during the evaporation of the sample by computer analysis in real time of the image of the arc discharge, as well as the initial setting of this gap relative to the optical axis. The electrode holders are cooled with water using a closed-cycle cooling unit.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes
Single- and multi-pass gas cuvettes
Single- and multi-pass flask are used for qualitative and quantitative spectral analysis of gas mixtures. The use of multi-pass flask makes it possible to confidently detect extremely small concentrations of the components of the gas under study (less than ppm units). • Three types of flask are supplied: 1. single-pass, having a stroke length of 100 mm, with a glass body and windows made of ZnSe, KBr, NaCl 2. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters 3. multi-pass, with a beam stroke length of up to several tens of meters, equipped with a heating system of the working chamber up to 200 ° C and a thermal controller Multi-pass cuvettes have a transparent working chamber made of quartz glass; mirrors with a gold (99.999) coating provide a reflection coefficient in the IR region of at least 98%; additionally, cuvettes can be equipped with pressure and temperature sensors, fittings for controlling gas flow, etc.
Produced in: Novosibirsk