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149 products
Signal generator of a special form G6-49
Signal generator of a special form G6-49
General characteristics: USB 2.0 interface, SCPI support Power supply ~ 230 V, 35 V*A Operating temperature range from minus 10 C to + 40 C Dimensions; weight 325×270×125× mm; 4 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Hygrometer-thermometer digital GTC-2
Hygrometer-thermometer digital GTC-2
It is designed to measure relative humidity and air temperature in industrial, warehouse and residential premises, in climatic chambers and technological highways, in open areas (weather stations). Technical specifications: Measurement of relative humidity measuring range (10-100) % resolution 0.1% basic measurement error ± 3% Temperature measurement measuring range (-60 ... +300) ° C resolution 0.1 °C measurement error ± (0.5 - 1.5) ° C Power supply network adapter, built-in battery USB 2.0 interface Weight 1.5 kg The verification interval is 1 year
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Oscilloscope S1-167/2
Oscilloscope S1-167/2
Designed for the study of periodic electrical signals by visual observation and measurement of their amplitude and time parameters on the scale of the CRT screen in the frequency band 0 - 25 MHz with a built-in multimeter measuring voltage and DC power, the average square value of voltage and AC power, DC electrical resistance. Technical specifications: Vertical deviation Number of channels 2 Bandwidth 0-25 MHz Deviation coefficients 2 mV/div-10 V/div (step 1-2-5) Installation error ± 3% Rise time of PH <= 14 nsec Input impedance 1 mOhm/23 pF, with divider 1:10-10 mOhm/12 pF with open input <=110 V with closed input <=110 V with divider 1:10 <= 250 V range U post. U AC: 1 mV–500 V Error 0.1% (U post); 0.3% -1% (U perem. 40 Hz–100 kHz) Range I post., I AC.: 1 mA–2 A Error: 0.25% (I post.); 0.5% (I perem. 40 Hz–5 kHz) R Range: 1 Ohm–1 mOhm Error R: 0.2% 3.5-digit indicator Automatic selection of limits.
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
Spectrophotometer UV-VIS PB2201
1 supp.
Measuring functions Measurement of absorption, transmission, and reflection spectra Measurement of optical density, transmission coefficient and reflection coefficient at fixed wavelengths Determination of concentration at one, two, three wavelengths by factor, standard, schedule Multi-wave kinetic measurements Determination of concentration by programmed methods Calculation of color and chromaticity coordinates UVI spectrophotometers "SOLAR" operate in the ultraviolet, visible and near infrared regions of the spectrum. They are used in scientific laboratories, healthcare institutions, veterinary medicine, pharmaceuticals, ecology, biology, etc., in laboratories for quality control of products and raw materials in various sectors of the economy (industrial enterprises, agriculture, food industry, etc.) Removable cuvette holders and set-top boxes Accurate measurements Cost-effectiveness Touch screen Built-in printer Software support
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Digital oscilloscope C8-39
Digital oscilloscope C8-39
It is designed to study periodic signals in the frequency band 0-50 MHz and single electrical signals by registering them in digital memory with a sampling frequency of up to 50 MHz, observing their shape on a liquid crystal display (LCD), measuring the amplitude and time parameters of the signal under study. Technical specifications: Vertical deviation :2 Number of channels 0-50 MHz Rise time of PH ≤ 7.0 ns Input impedance 1 ± 0.03 mOhm, 25 pF Deviation coefficients of 5 mV/div - 2 V/div (step 1-2-5) The maximum input voltage is 100 V With a divider of 1:10 250 V The error of amplitude measurements is a≤ 2 % 5 mV...2 V; 10 ns...2 s/del. ADC: 2 channels, 50 MHz, 8 bits Equivalent sampling rate of 2.5 GHz Marker measurements U: ±2.5%, T: ±1.5% Pre-launch 8 screens, post-launch 150 screens Simultaneous observation of 2 signals Cursor measurements DU and DT Averaging modes and automatic DU and DT measurements LCD screen - 320x240 dots (monochrome) RS 232C interface Dimensions, weight 176x280x80 mm, 3 kg Power supply: +12V, 230B
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeters B7-91, B7-91/1
Voltmeters B7-91, B7-91/1
Technical specifications: DC voltage , Measuring range, 10 MV - 1000 V Measurement error, ± 0.03% AC voltage , Measuring range, 1 mV - 750 V Measurement error, ± 0.4% Frequency range, 20 Hz- 100 kHz Direct current , Measuring range, 1 mkA - 2 A (B7-91/1) Measuring range, 1 mkA - 20 A (B7-91) Measurement error, ± 0.03%
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Combination of the composition of detection units at the customer's request Scalability of the complex in terms of sensitivity to gamma and neutron radiation in wide ranges Automatic simultaneous gamma-neutron radiation scanning Displaying measurement results with reference to the terrain (GPS) in real time Search and detection of sources of radioactive radiation and identification of isotopic composition Placement and use in impact-resistant cases Assessment of the surface density of 137Cs radionuclide contamination (kBq/m2, Ci/km2)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
The radiometer allows you to: - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of counting samples based on aerosol analytical filters of the AFA type; - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of "thick-layer" counting samples prepared from the sample substance (for example, by evaporation or by any other method that provides a "thick" sample); - measure the total alpha and total beta activity of "thin-layer" counting samples prepared from the sample substance (for example, by electrolytic deposition); - measure activity, flux density, external alpha and beta radiation for sources of type 1P9, 2P9, 3P9, 1C0, 2C0, 3C0; - control radiation contamination of surfaces by smears. Device control and measurement data processing is performed by an external PC The possibility to use custom calibrations The possibility to select units of measurement LED stabilization of the measuring path Passive lead protection against background radiation The possibility to maintain a measurement database Methodological support of measurements
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Universal calibrator H4-201
Universal calibrator H4-201
Technical specifications: reproduction of DC voltage from 50 mv to 1000 V - ranges of 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 1000 V - error 0.01 – 0.023 % reproduction of the sinusoidal AC voltage from 0.3 mV to 750 V - ranges of 200 mV; 2; 20; 200; 750 V - error 0.15 – 0.225 % - frequency range 20 Hz - 100 kHz (20 Hz - 5 kHz on the range. 200 V; 20 Hz - 2.5 kHz on the range. 750 V) reproduction of DC power from 0.03 µA to 50 A - ranges of 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 50 A - error 0.012 – 0.022 % reproduction of AC power of sinusoidal shape from 3 µA to 50 A - ranges of 200 Ma; 2; 20; 200 mA; 2; 50 A - error 0.062 – 0.23 % - frequency range 20 - 5000 Hz (45 - 1000 Hz on the range. 50 A) RS-232C interfaces; USB operating temperature range from + 5 to +40oC dimensions 184.5x465x540.5 mm weight 20 kg power supply ~ 230 V
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk