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183 products
Water washing tanks
Water washing tanks
The product is designed for cleaning materials in a water environment with the addition of alkali at a temperature of up to 90 ° C by mixing in a laminated stream with maintaining the temperature of the liquid and automatic removal of the oil film. The tank is welded from a metal profile and is a rigid power structure. On the inside, U–shaped heating elements are installed to maintain the set temperature. Temperature control is performed by a digital device. The integrity of the heaters is monitored by a standard ammeter. The liquid level maintenance system ensures a constant level of liquid in the tank. When the liquid level in the tank decreases, the liquid is supplied automatically through the built-in valve (optional). To do this, a level sensor is installed in the tank. If the level drops unacceptably, the heating is turned off. A skimmer is installed to remove the oil film. The tank is equipped with a bubbling device. It can be equipped with a circulation pump.
Produced in: Tula
MAX-GF1(2)E-C Spectrometer
MAX-GF1(2)E-C Spectrometer
The X-ray fluorescence spectrometer SPECTROSCAN MAX-GF1(2)E-C combines two methods of detecting an analytical signal: diffraction on a crystal (wave dispersion - WDX) and energy dispersion (EDX) method, as well as sample delivery adapted for the analysis of large-size images. The collimation of the primary radiation of the X-ray tube and the special design of the sample presentation make it possible to analyze the sample over an area of 1 cm2 in 1 mm increments, and thus investigate the distribution of elements over an area. The spectrometer is designed to determine the contents of elements in the range from Ca to U in substances in solid, powdery, dissolved states, as well as deposited on the surface or deposited on filters. With the help of fixed energy dispersion channels, any one or two additional elements in the range from magnesium (Mg) to calcium (Ca) can be determined. With the help of this modification of the spectrometer, forensic and customs examinations, judicial and forensic medical examinations, as well as art-historical examinations are carried out.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer DRONE-8 (8H)
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer DRONE-8 (8H)
The multifunctional X-ray diffractometer DRON-8 (8H) with a vertical theta goniometer and the horizontal position of the sample allows X-ray diffraction analysis of the phase composition, structural state and orientation of a wide range of objects of various shapes and sizes.
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
The spectrometer is designed to determine the contents of elements in the range from Ca to U in substances in solid, powdery, dissolved states, as well as deposited on the surface or deposited on filters. The principle of operation of the spectrometer is based on irradiation of the sample with primary radiation from an X-ray tube, measurement of the intensity of secondary fluorescent radiation from the sample at wavelengths corresponding to the elements being determined, and subsequent calculation of the mass fraction of these elements according to a pre-constructed calibration characteristic, which is the dependence of the content of the element being determined on the measured intensity. Secondary fluorescent radiation is decomposed into a spectrum using a crystal analyzer. Due to this, the spectrometer has a high resolution, and therefore the ability to accurately analyze complex multicomponent substances.
NPO Spektron
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
Spectroanalytical tripod "Globula"
The video camera and servos of the electrode holders built into the tripod are designed to automatically maintain the interelectrode gap during the evaporation of the sample by computer analysis in real time of the image of the arc discharge, as well as the initial setting of this gap relative to the optical axis. The electrode holders are cooled with water using a closed-cycle cooling unit.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Grand ISP - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
Grand ISP - Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer
The dual-view plasma spectrometer can record any spectral line simultaneously at high resolution in the concentration range from fractions of ppb up to tens of percent and offers a wide range of options for any research task. Designed for the analysis of almost any type of environmental samples – water, soil, precipitation. Quick switching to work. It does not require a long warm-up. Low argon consumption. Easy to use.
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Vacuum Spectrometer Favorite
Vacuum Spectrometer Favorite
Vacuum spectrometers are designed for rapid analysis of alloys based on iron, copper, aluminum and other metals in factory and research laboratories, including the determination of elements having analytical lines in the field of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) (for example, S, P and C in steels).
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer DRONE-8T
Multipurpose X-ray diffractometer DRONE-8T
The X-ray diffractometer DRON–8T is the flagship model of the line of stationary X-ray diffractometers of JSC IC Burevestnik. It is equipped with a high-precision wide-angle vertical goniometer with an angular reproducibility of 0.0001° and is designed mainly for the study of highly perfect crystalline objects (single crystals, epitaxial films) in high-resolution geometry.
Produced in: Saint Petersburg
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream"
Atomic Emission Complex "Grand Stream" is designed for rapid determination of the composition of powder samples of natural and industrial origin, includes a "Grand" spectrometer, a "Stream" installation and auxiliary equipment for sample preparation.
Produced in: Novosibirsk