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32 products
Fusion DNA polymerase (Pfu-Sso7d) 100 u.a.
Fusion DNA polymerase (Pfu-Sso7d) 100 u.a.
from 4 200 ₽
1 supp.
Fusion DNA polymerase is a recombinant polypeptide consisting of a fusion of the thermostable DNA polymerase of Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) and the DNA binding protein of the thermophilic archaea species Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso7d). The Sso7d protein binds to the minor groove of double-stranded DNA and further stabilizes the polymerase-template complex. Due to this, Fusion DNA polymerase has increased processivity, synthesis accuracy, fragment amplification rate, and increased resistance to PCR inhibitors compared to native Pfu DNA polymerase [1]. Fusion DNA polymerase has 5'→3' polymerase activity, 3'→5' exonuclease activity and synthesizes blunt-ended products.
Fusion DNA polymerase is a good choice for routine cloning and can be used to generate long or complex amplicons by PCR.
Examples of using Fusion DNA polymerase are presented at the end of the description.
Fusion DNA polymerase was isolated from an E. coli strain containing a plasmid with a cloned DNA fragment consisting of the fusion genes of the thermostable DNA polymerase of Pyrococcus furiosus (Pfu) and the DNA-binding protein of Sulfolobus solfataricus (Sso7d).
One unit of activity corresponds to the amount of enzyme required to incorporate 10 nmol of dNTP into the acid-insoluble DNA fraction in 30 min at 74°C.
10x Genta buffer for T4 DNA ligase (2 x 1.25 ml)
10x Genta buffer for T4 DNA ligase (2 x 1.25 ml)
from 500 ₽
10-fold buffer for the ligation reaction, compatible with T4 DNA ligase.
Produced in: Moscow
Magnetic particles of ExtraGen
Magnetic particles of ExtraGen
from 180 ₽
The magnetic sorbent ExtraGen® is an aqueous suspension of solid-phase magnetic particles based on iron oxide and silicon oxide. It is designed to isolate nucleic acids from clinical and biological samples. The suspension of the magnetic sorbent has an "intermediate" sedimentation stability, which is especially important when using the material in automatic DNA isolation systems. ExtraGen® particles are resistant to heat, strong oxidants and intense mechanical influences (centrifugation, dispersion, etc.). The use of proprietary buffer solution allows the particles to be stored at room temperature for a year without deterioration of their sorption properties. As tests have shown, the ExtraGen® sorbent shows high efficiency in the isolation of nucleic acids both in manual mode and with the use of automatic stations.
Produced in: Moscow
Plasmid DNA isolation kit GentaSPIN Plasmid Miniprep Plus, KI-GSPP
Plasmid DNA isolation kit GentaSPIN Plasmid Miniprep Plus, KI-GSPP
from 5 000 ₽
The kit is designed for isolating plasmid DNA from bacteria.
The operating principle of the kit is based on alkaline lysis of RNase-treated biomaterial, followed by selective binding of DNA from the clarified lysate on a siliconized column membrane. The colored solutions in the kit allow you to control the correct order of adding components, the completeness of lysis and neutralization.
Benefits of the set:
  • Yield up to 25 µg from 2 ml of bacterial culture and up to 60* µg from 6-10 ml of bacterial culture
  • Indicators A260/280 = 1.80±0.05, A260/230 ≥ 2.1
  • Plasmid DNA has been verified to be suitable for restriction reactions, transformation, sequencing, PCR, transfection.

*product yield depends on the copy number of the plasmid, culture volume and cultivation conditions
Produced in: Moscow
Genta gDNA Isolation kit, KI-GgDNA
Genta gDNA Isolation kit, KI-GgDNA
from 10 000 ₽
The kit uses the technology of DNA sorption on magnetic particles. The entire DNA extraction process combines the steps of sample lysis, subsequent selective binding of the released DNA to magnetic beads, and then, after a series of washes, elution with the option of concentrating the DNA in a low-salt buffer.
Benefits of the set:
  • High yield of genomic DNA from E.coli and eukaryotic cells: 4-5 µg DNA from 0.5-1*109 bacterial cells and 0.25-1*106 eukaryotic cells.
  • High yield of genomic DNA when isolated from various mouse tissues and organs.
  • Indicators A260/280 = 1.80±0.05, A260/230 ≥ 2.1
  • Purified DNA is verified to be free of proteins, nucleases or other contaminants and can be used in a wide range of molecular biology techniques such as PCR, RT-PCR or other enzyme reactions.
  • High throughput for DNA extraction from large numbers of samples.
Produced in: Moscow
from 700 ₽
Oligonucleotides are short fragments of nucleic acids that are widely used in various fields of DNA diagnostics (medical diagnostics, forensic analysis, veterinary medicine, food quality control, etc.). Recently, oligonucleotides have been widely used as medicines against various genetic and other diseases. GenTerra produces DNA and RNA oligonucleotides on a scale of several milligrams to gram quantities, including modified oligonuleotides, fluorescently labeled oligonucleotides and real-time PCR probes.
Produced in: Moscow
Genta-ALP alkaline phosphatase thermolabile, 1,000 units/ml
Genta-ALP alkaline phosphatase thermolabile, 1,000 units/ml
from 800 ₽
Genta-ALP alkaline phosphatase thermolabile catalyzes the cleavage of 5’- and 3’-phosphate groups from DNA, RNA, oligonucleotides, nucleoside triphosphates, as well as dephosphorylation of proteins. Active in the PCR buffer. Isolated from a strain of Escherichia coli expressing the alkaline phosphatase gene from Gadus morua.
Produced in: Moscow
D-Plants kit for DNA extraction from plants D-Plants-10
D-Plants kit for DNA extraction from plants D-Plants-10
from 3 150 ₽
1 supp.
The kit is intended for the extraction and purification of DNA from the following samples: 1. Leaves, needles, stamens, green parts of plants 2. Roots, stems, bark 3. Fruits, berries, seeds 4. Mosses, lichens 5. Unicellular algae
Produced in: Novosibirsk
Kit for purification of DNA and PCR products from reaction mixtures GentaSpin DNA & PCR CleanUp, KI-GSDP
Kit for purification of DNA and PCR products from reaction mixtures GentaSpin DNA & PCR CleanUp, KI-GSDP
from 3 100 ₽
Benefits of the set:
  • DNA from any reaction mixtures, fragments from 70 to 20,000 bp in length.
  • Indicators A260/280 = 1.80±0.05, A260/230 ≥ 2.0
  • The isolated PCR product is suitable for ligation, restriction, transformation, sequencing, PCR.
Produced in: Moscow
GentaSpin DNA Gel Elution Kit, KI-GSGE
GentaSpin DNA Gel Elution Kit, KI-GSGE
from 6 300 ₽
The specially formulated binding solution (GE) ensures effective cleaning with high yield. The kit is intended for scientific research only.
Benefits of the set:
  • Yield 60-90%
  • Indicators A260/280 = 1.80±0.05
  • Purified DNA is suitable for ligation, restriction, transformation, sequencing, and PCR reactions.
Produced in: Moscow
Genta ExoGen master mix, 500 reactions
Genta ExoGen master mix, 500 reactions
ExoGen is a ready-to-use mixture of Genta-ExoI exonuclease I enzymes and the thermolabile alkaline phosphatase Genta-ALP in a reaction buffer. ExoGen mixture is used for enzymatic hydrolysis of an excessive amount of primers and nucleotides in PCR products (amplicons). The PCR products purified in this way are suitable for further use in various biological applications, such as cloning and DNA sequencing.
Produced in: Moscow
GentaMAG-NK nucleic acid secretion kit, 100 secretions
GentaMAG-NK nucleic acid secretion kit, 100 secretions
from 2 500 ₽
a set of reagents for the secretion of nucleic acids (DNA/RNA) from biological material by sorption on magnetic particles. Compatible biomaterial: • Smears from the upper respiratory tract • Buccal epithelium • Saliva • Fecal extracts • Whole blood • Blood plasma
Produced in: Moscow