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7 products
Primelab reaction flask made of borosilicate glass
Primelab reaction flask made of borosilicate glass
The Primelab borosilicate glass reaction flask is an essential glass vessel used in scientific research, educational institutions, laboratories and industries. It is practically impossible to do without it when carrying out chemical reactions. The flask is made of transparent borosilicate glass, which allows you to observe the reaction process in real time. At the same time, it has a long service life and wear resistance. Suitable for heating and cooling contents as it is thermally stable. The PrimeLab company is ready to manufacture reaction flasks in any quantity to order. The order fulfillment time depends on the volume.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab liquid
Tishchenko flask for flushing gases through Primelab liquid
1 supp.
The Tishchenko Primelab flask for flushing gases through liquid has a non-standard design. Two outlets with olives at the ends are soldered into the outer part, which provide a strong connection with the hoses. There is a partition in the middle of the container. It is thanks to this form that the quality of gas purification is improved. The main purpose of the bottle is washing, cleaning and drying gases. The Tishchenko flask was made by the Primelab company from borosilicate glass, which has a fairly long service life even with intensive use.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Dephlegmator with cooling (heating) jacket with Primelab tap system
Dephlegmator with cooling (heating) jacket with Primelab tap system
1 supp.
A dephlegmator with a cooling (heating) jacket with a tap system from Primelab is used in the distillation process to control and regulate temperature. Equipped with connection systems: core 60/46 and coupling 29/32. There are two tubes with olives at the end. Designed for connecting additional equipment such as distillation units. By using a jacketed dephlegmator for heating or cooling, it is possible to positively influence the final product in processes requiring precise thermal control.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Primelab water jet pump (various options)
Primelab water jet pump (various options)
from 3 518 ₽
1 supp.
The PrimeLab water jet pump is a simple but effective laboratory device for pumping air from an evaporator, reactor and other equipment, as well as creating a vacuum without connecting to an electrical network. For operation, the use of water supply is sufficient. The pump is made of tempered heat-resistant glass, which ensures a long service life in the absence of serious mechanical damage. At the top of the pump there is a tube to which a soft hose is attached. Through it, water enters the water jet pump. There is a drain pipe at the bottom through which the water drains. A device is connected to the side tube in which it is necessary to pump out the air.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Petri dish Primelab 120 mm, glass
Petri dish Primelab 120 mm, glass
from 313 ₽
Petri dish PrimeLab 120 mm, glass - a small laboratory container with a small edge around the perimeter, made of tempered glass. Consists of two parts with the following features: • The diameter of the upper part is 129 mm with 120 mm of the lower part. • The height of the upper part is slightly lower than the height of the lower part, due to which the upper “lid” fits freely onto the base to protect the contents from the external environment and other microorganisms. • Glass thickness is 2 mm.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
A type of Liebig Primelab refrigerator
A type of Liebig Primelab refrigerator
1 supp.
A variation of the Liebig refrigerator is produced by PrimeLab. Designed for distillation, distillation, condensation and more. It has a standard design consisting of two glass tubes, one of which is located inside the other. Water is poured into the outer tube, and vapor condenses in the inner tube, after which it flows down. The Primelab company accepts orders for the manufacture of laboratory glassware and instruments, including Liebig refrigerators. We use exclusively high-quality borosilicate glass.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region
Petri dish Primelab 60, glass
Petri dish Primelab 60, glass
from 79 ₽
The PrimeLab 60mm Petri dish is made of clear tempered glass that can withstand heat sterilization. Designed for reusable use. The cup consists of two parts: a base (60 mm) and a lid (65 mm), which is larger in diameter than the base and slightly smaller in height. The second part is superimposed on the first to protect the contents from the external environment.
Produced in: Mytishchi, Moscow region