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45 products
Immitance meter E7-23
Immitance meter E7-23
Technical specifications: Conductivity (G) - 10-9 – 10 Cm Resistance (R, X, |Z|) - 10-4 – 108 ohms Capacity (S) - 10-14 – 10-1 F Inductance (L) - 10-8 – 104 Gn Q factor (Q), loss angle tangent (tg) 10-3 – 103 Phase angle. shift comp. resistance -180° - +179.9° Leakage current (I) - 10-7 – 10-3 A Measurement error - 0.15 % Operating frequencies – 0.1; 1; 10 kHz (± 0.02%) Measurement levels. signal (SKZ) – 0.04; 1 V The offset voltage on the measured object is 0 – 63 V The output resistance of the source. izmer. signal – 100 ± 20 ohms The time of one measurement is 60, 600 ms, 6 s Power consumption - 20 VA Overall dimensions - 90x265x317 mm Weight - 3.5 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Power supply B5-89, B5-89/1
Power supply B5-89, B5-89/1
Technical specifications: Indicator name, unit of measurement, Indicator value, B5-89, B5-89/1 The range of the output voltage setting, the limits of the absolute error of the output voltage setting:- basic error, In; - in operating conditions, In, from 0 to 30.0 ± 0.2± 0.3, from 0 to 100.0 ± 0.3± 0.45 The range of the output current setting, the limits of the absolute error of the output current setting:- basic error, A; - in operating conditions, A, from 0 to 10.0 ± 0.2± 0.3, from 0 to 3.0 ± 0.1± 0.15 Instability of the output voltage when the supply voltage changes by ± 10% of the nominal value in the voltage stabilization mode, %, ± 0.05, no more, Instability of the output current when the supply voltage changes by ± 10% of the nominal value in the current stabilization mode, %, ± 0.2, no more, Instability of the output voltage when the load current changes at the output terminals of power supplies in voltage stabilization mode, %, ± 1, no more, Instability of the output current when the load voltage changes in the current stabilization mode at minimum load currents, %, ± 5, no more, Instability of the output current when the load voltage changes in the current stabilization mode at maximum load currents, %, ± 0.5, no more, Output voltage ripple in voltage stabilization mode, mV, 1.0, no more, Output current ripple in current stabilization mode, %, 1, no more, Instability of the output voltage from time, V, ± 0.5, ± 1.0 Instability of the output current from time, A, ± 0.3, ± 0.2 AC power supply: - voltage, V; - frequency, Hz, 230 ± 2350 ± 0.5, Weight, kg, 13.0, no more, Overall dimensions, mm, 384x301x169
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeter V7-77
Voltmeter V7-77
Technical specifications: DC voltage , Measuring range, 10 mv-1000V Measurement error, ± (0.05% +4 E.M.R.) AC voltage , Measuring range, 1 mV - 750 V Measurement error, ± (0.5% +4 E.M.R.) Frequency range, 20 Hz- 100 kHz Direct current , Measuring range, 0.1 µA - 10 A Measurement error, ± ( 0.25% +4 E.M.R.)
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
KRONA-12 Electric spark flaw detector
KRONA-12 Electric spark flaw detector
from 430 000 ₽
The flaw detector allows continuous monitoring of polymer, epoxy and enamel coatings of pipelines with a diameter from 219 to 1420 mm and selective control of polymer, epoxy, enamel and bitumen coatings of pipelines of any diameter. The flaw detector provides detection of local through defects of insulation coatings of pipelines with a dry surface. The flaw detector allows for continuous monitoring The flaw detector uses an electric spark control method. The flaw detector is designed to work at: - ambient temperature, °C: from minus 30 to plus 50; - relative humidity at a temperature of +25°C, %: 98; - atmospheric pressure, kPa: from 84.0 to 106.7. Technical specifications. Test voltage, kV: up to 40 Minimum diameter of detected defects, mm: 0.6±0.2 Operating temperature range, °C: -30...+50 Power supply -from the built-in 12V battery -from an external DC power supply current with a voltage of 12 V Continuous operation time, h: 8 Operating mode setting time, min: 1 Overall dimensions, mm, no more: - control and monitoring unit 200 x 158 x 91 - high voltage transformer 410x f90 Weight, kg, no more,: - control and monitoring unit 2.5 - high voltage transformer 1.5 Defect alarm light and sound The kit includes: Bag Suitcase Battery charger Earthing device Electronic Magnet Unit Probes for continuous monitoring- 5 pcs 0 – 400 mm; 1 – 650 mm; 2 – 735 mm; 3 – 840 mm; 4 – 980 mm. Probes for local control - 3 pcs VT-1 High voltage transformer Pin Probe extension Holder Bushing Nipple - 4pcs set of documentation (passport, manual, calibration)
Produced in: Moscow
Picoammeter A2-4
Picoammeter A2-4
System meter of small currents. The device allows to make measurements in almost the entire range of currents. The picoammeter is characterized by high performance, which is important for its use as part of automated measuring systems. Technical specifications: Current measuring range 1x10-14 - 1x10-2 A Error for the range 10-11, 10-10 ±[0.5+0.025(lk/lx-1)]% for the range 10-9, 10-8 ±[0.25+0.01(lk/lx-1)]% for the range 10-7, 10-6,10-5, 10-4,10-3, 10-2 ±[0,1+0,01( lk/lx-1)]% The time of setting the readings is 2x10-2 - 2x10-5 s Supply voltage 230 (±20) V, frequency 50 (± 0.5) Hz Power consumption 10 VA Overall dimensions (HxWxD) 105x284x366 mm Weight 3.5 kg Operating temperature 5 - 40 °C Humidity 80% at 25 °C
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Functional signal generator G6-50
Functional signal generator G6-50
Technical specifications: The waveform is sinusoidal, meander, triangular, sawtooth, (straight, reverse), offset, rectangular (TTL) Frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz Frequency setting error ±0.05% Frequency instability ±0.02% in 15 min The amplitude of the signal is sinusoidal ± 5 V at a load of 600 ohms of the form ± 10 V without load Signal span: meander, triangular, ± 10 V at 600 ohm load sawtooth (forward, reverse) ±20 V without load Limits of output signal level adjustment: -sinusoidal shape from 4 mV to 3.7 V (skz) at a load of 600 ohms from 8 mV to 7.4 V (scz) without load -meander, triangular, sawtooth from 10 mV to 10.465 V (span) at a load of 600 ohms shape: from 20 mV to 20.93 V (span) without load Signal level unevenness ± 5% at frequencies from 0.1 to 10 Hz sinusoidal shape relative to ± 2% at frequencies from 10 Hz to 200 kHz 1 kHz ±5% at frequencies from 200 kHz to 2 MHz The harmonic coefficient of the sinusoidal ± 0.2% at frequencies from 10 to 100 Hz forms ± 0.07% at frequencies from 100 Hz to 10 kHz ±2% at frequencies from 10 to 120 kHz ±1% at frequencies from 120 kHz to 1 MHz ±4% at frequencies from 1 to 2 MHz Parameters of the rectangular (TTL) signal form log. "1" 3 2.4 V; log. "0" ≤ 0.4 V the duration of the front, the cutoff is not more than 100 ns in the frequency range from 0.1 Hz to 2 MHz Operating temperature range from minus 10 °C to + 40 °C Power supply ~230 V, 50 Hz; 10 V×A Dimensions; weight 210×71×255 mm; 2 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Voltmeter demonstration universal VDU-1
Designed to measure electrical quantities (DC voltage and strength, AC voltage and strength, DC electrical resistance) during demonstration work in physics. The device performs the function of a demonstration multimeter. Technical specifications: Measurement of DC voltage from 0 to 100 V measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC voltage from 0 to 60 V measurement error, not more than 1.0% measurement of DC power from 0.01 to 200 measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of AC power from 0.01 to 200 mA measurement error, not more than 1.0 % Measurement of DC resistance from 1 ohm to 2 mOhm measurement error, no more than 1.0% power supply from the USB port of the computer power consumption, no more than 0.6 V × A weight, no more than 0.3 kg overall dimensions 172x25x77 mm
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Meters of parameters of semiconductor devices IPPP-3, IPPP-3/1
Meters of parameters of semiconductor devices IPPP-3, IPPP-3/1
General characteristics: LCD screen 12.1" with a resolution of 1024 x 768, keyboard, mouse. USB, Ethernet. Supply voltage: 230 V / 50 Hz, power: 450 V·A. Operating temperature range: from +5° to +40°C. Dimensions (W x H x D): 470 x 330 x 570 mm, weight: 37 kg
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Generator G3-131
Generator G3-131
Technical specifications: Frequency range, from 2 Hz to 2 MHz Frequency setting error, ± 1 % Signal amplitude: - at a load of 600 ohms , at least 5 V at least 10 V Smooth signal attenuation, at least 20 dB Frequency instability: - in 15 minutes - for 180 minutes, no more than 0.1% no more than 0.5 % Harmonic coefficient: - in the frequency range from 10 Hz to 20 Hz - in the frequency range sv. 20 Hz to 200 kHz - in the frequency range of 200 kHz to 2 MHz, not more than 0.5% not more than 0.2% not more than 1 %
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
Power supply B5-78
Power supply B5-78
Technical specifications: B5-78 (15 V, 3 A); B5-78/1 (30 V, 2 A); B5-78/2 (50 V, 1 A); B5-78/4 (20 V, 1.5 A); B5-78/6 (30 V, 4 A); B5-78/7 (50 B, 2.5 A) Voltage measurement error: ±0.3 V Current measurement error: ±(0.04–0.06) A Voltage instability when the load current changes 0.03% Instability of the current when the voltage changes at a load of 0.2% Voltage ripple 0.5–1 mV Current ripple 0.1% Power consumption 90 - 320 VA Two 3-digit indicators (voltage, current) Adjustments are rough, smooth Dimensions 115x185x360 mm Weight: 3.7 kg (B5-78, B5-78/1, B5-78/2) 3 kg (B5-78/4) 5.5 kg (B5-78/6, B5-78/7) Power supply ~220 V A
Produced in: Belarus, Minsk
PKE-A Energy Tester
PKE-A Energy Tester
The devices are designed for: measurements and registration of the main indicators of the quality of electrical energy established by GOST 32144-2013 (GOST R 54149-2010) with registration of protocols according to GOST 33073-2014; measurements and registration of the main parameters of electrical energy in single-phase and three-phase electrical networks (including the effective values of voltages and currents with sinusoidal and distorted curves; active, reactive and full electrical power); measurements of parameters of secondary circuits (load capacity of measuring transformers and voltage drop) in electric energy metering systems and electric energy losses in power supply lines. functional test and verification of connection of meters of active and reactive power and energy, energy measuring converters of voltage, current at the places of their operation; functional test and verification of the connection of single-phase and three-phase electric energy meters without breaking current circuits to detect theft of electricity; measurements of electricity losses in the power supply line. The PKE-A energy tester provides registration with subsequent transfer to a personal computer (PC) of statistical data on the PKE: Values of the PCE according to GOST 30804.4.30 (GOST P 51317.4.30) and GOST 30804.4.7 (GOST P 51317.4.7) with a registration depth of 512 days; Values and durations of voltage dips and overvoltages; Values of the short-term dose of flicker; Parameters of the electrical network and vector diagrams with the depth of registration: - 24 hours for averaging time of 3 s, - 200 days for averaging time of 10 min. The program "Energy Monitoring ES" provides the formation of quality control protocols in the form of GOST 33073-2014.
Saint Petersburg
Produced in: Saint Petersburg